Childbirth Education

The best way I heard it summed it up was “you don’t know what you don’t know, so it’s hard to know what to ask”. Most of us just assume that our care providers will tell us everything, but the reality is; they just don’t have time for that. Often you only get a fraction of the information about your options, and what’s truly available for you and your family during labor and delivery. Being well informed about the labor and birth process can decrease the anxiety, and thus the discomfort experienced throughout the process. Let’s make sure you feel prepared and excited for this amazing event!

Classes Available


  • Plan to begin classes between 24 and 30 weeks allows you enough time to complete them as well as implement changes so that you can best reach your birth goals

  • Beginning class as soon as 20 weeks is a great time! Multiples are at higher risk of coming early, and finishing class allows you to feel confident in your options even if they arrive preterm.

  • Birth classes are for your whole team to understand all the options you may encounter as well as know how best to support you through this time. I know it seems unnecessary but preparation can help to keep you both calm and feeling confident through your labor and beyond.

  • If attendance is your biggest concern, reach out and we will make it work! There may be another class you can drop in for the portion you miss, or scheduling private classes can fit into any timeline.

  • A refresher course can help give you the reminders about the process and tips on new ways to cope. As well as cover the juggle of life with a newborn and other children in the home.

Ready to Join Us?

Just fill out the form below and you will be prepping for your amazing birth experience in no time!